Showing posts with label baby gifts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby gifts. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The One About Made by You Monday

Notice the updated sidebar? I participated in Skip to My Lou's Made by You Monday! Look for craft project number 178! :)

Monday, February 8, 2010

The One About the Valentine Loot

I terribly miss my students at Cebu International School!!! Before I left Cebu last year, I wanted to box them up and bring them home to Manila with me. Last weekend, I sent them these via LBC.

And how could I forget my friends over there? I made these for them:

Until LBC has safely delivered them, I can't show the contents yet. The contents and tutorial will be posted soon. :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

The One about the Diaper Cake Tutorial

My first attempt at making diaper cakes last December. Although I was inspired by Homemade by Jill I've decided to make a tutorial for my one-tiered diaper cakes. It's really very simple and more importantly, fun to do!

Cut a big circle from a piece of sturdy cardboard or tagboard. Mine was approximately 12"-14" in diameter. This will be the base of the cake.

Next, cut a rectangle from the same sturdy cardboard or tagboard and roll it into a cylinder. The open ends have diameters of about 2".

Cut a 2" in diameter circle from the tagboard and glue it on one end of the cylinder.
Using hot glue, place the cylinder in the middle of the round tagboard. I then cut out leaves from green tissue paper and pasted them around the around the tagboard.

Next, roll the diapers one by one and secure them with white elastic bands (or clear ones) to prevent them from opening up.

Diapers all rolled up. (Sorry for the mess in the background…that's how crafting is…)

Place the diapers around the cylinder and secure with a thick elastic band. For this one-tiered cake, I used 18 diapers.

Make crepe paper roses. I made about four. Just cut a small portion from the crepe paper. Roll and twirl around to make roses.

Place the roses on the top of the cylinder (make sure to hide the cardboard) using hot glue. Use a pretty ribbon to cover the elastic band that holds all the diapers together.
Happy crafting!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The One About the First Diaper Cake

I have two one-year-old nieces and my boyfriend has a one-year-old nephew. I knew for a fact that I didn't want to give them toys this holiday because I deem them too young to appreciate toys. So, I thought of something useful and decided to become crafty about it. With the help of a tutorial from, I made diaper cakes for these little ones!

I was really pressed for time (and money) so I was only able to make one-tiered cakes. Nonetheless, the cakes drew oohs and aahs from my family and relatives!