When 2016 rolled in, I had every intention to follow a
grace-filled life. Glorifying busyness
in the previous year resulted to neither productivity nor progress as far as my
goals were concerned. I was exhausted
and burnt out. Allowing God’s grace to
flow freely into my life provided serenity, peace of mind, and a sense of
fulfillment even from – curiously – not being able to accomplish everything in
my to-do list.
This year, I plan to continue relishing in the gift of grace
everyday. However, I want my theme for
the year to have an element of action too.
A word that will have a graceful undertone but embodies determination
and strength as well as a sense of progress toward my goals.
I cannot think of a better theme for 2017 than this: PURSUE.
Pursue a grace-filled life:
to be intentional and purposeful in every action I take and to focus on
God’s direction at all times.
Pursue progress, not perfection.
Pursue what is meaningful even if it means not having more.
Scrolling through my social media feed, I cannot help but
feel pressured with all the posts on hitting the ground running at the onset of
the new year. It’s quite okay to start
slow, isn’t it? In fact, there is really no need to rush
when I know that the dreams and goals that I’m pursuing are the ones that
really matter.
So here’s to a purposeful pursuit in 2017.